Monday, April 7, 2008

Devil Dane or Sweet Daney?

Isn't he sweet? I was out taking pictures in the backyard when Dane walked up to me and said, "Here mommy, this one is for you." It made me feel a little guilty for calling him Devil Dane earlier today. Seriously. He has just been close to impossible the last few days. Yesterday, he and I had a battle for almost an hour. He was telling everyone to shut up and smacking people so I put him in his room. He kicked. He screamed. He slammed the door. He wanted to go back downstairs and I told him that he could either scream in his room or come and sit with me in my room and watch conference. Those were his two choices and he didn't like it one bit. After an hour of him running out and me putting him back in his room he finally quieted down and wanted to come to my room. Of course conference had just ended so I missed it but we did have a good talk about some of his favorite things. Mickey Mouse, Stratton, gum and pizza.

I am dragging Erron out with me this Saturday to a concert. Sugarland and Little Big Town will be here in Knoxville. He is thrilled. I just keep reminding him of how many concerts I went to with him when he worked for Doc Marten. Some great like Foo Fighters, Green Day, Smashing Pumpkins (accidentally got high at that one), Tonic and Everclear and some plain awful like Woo Tan Clan. Whatever. I also like to remind him of our honeymoon in Hawaii. He just had to see this movie Celtic Pride. It was the absolute worst movie ever. On our honeymoon. Our car got locked in the parking garage. On our honeymoon. Then I like to remind him of our last anniversary. I set-up this nice overnight stay at the Columbia River Inn. Beautiful, historic, and Madison to babysit overnight. It was a beautiful spring Friday afternoon and I was chatting with a neighbor as the kids walked home from the bus stop. A big old Hummer slowly rolled by (notice the tank alliteration) and I mock the pompous driver. The pompous driver rolls down his window and it's Erron. He rented it 'for me' for our anniversary. Behind our house is a big hill made even more attractive by the heaps of red dirt cleared to build another million homes on. This is an open invitation for a man to go 4-wheeling. So the Sorensen clan rolls up the hill and Erron decides to off-road it. The bigger the hill of dirt the better. Well, thank goodness mommy learned to drive in Idaho. I got us unstuck and Erron lost a boot trying to push us out. So, Erron will be coming with me to a concert this weekend:)

Starting over from scratch means just that when you move. Portland is big enough that if you don't like a couple of the grocery stores you have plenty to choose from. Here you get Super Target (no variety), Ingles (yek), Food King (Double yek), Kroger (good) and Super Walmart (so much crammed into one aisle that you get dizzy and can't find anything). So Kroger it is. Kroger owns Fred Meyer by the way. Erron has found his favorite Diet Coke distributor. It is a delicate balance of carbonation, syrup ratio and snack variety. You think I'm kidding don't you? Weigles (convenience store) stock just went up because Erron chose them as his DC fill-up point of choice.
In the past our schools have been so aware of economic issues that they apologized profusely for having to ask for $3 to take the kids to the symphony. The kids brown bagged their own lunch and there was not a stop for anything extra. Reagan has a field trip coming up that costs $7.75 for the event and then they need an extra $10 for lunch because they are stopping at the mall and will be eating at the food court. Kale has a field trip to the zoo. 9.75 + lunch money and I have to have his permission slip NOTARIZED!
Erron has determined that our kitchen tile is really outdoor tile. I even bought a special heavy duty scrub brush to use and that stuff just looks dirty. You can see pictures in this next post of our house extraordinaire. We are still looking for one to buy. Just can't find the perfect one.


The Kersten Family said...

The blossoms in the yard make me jealous! It is a blamy 45 and raining here today. YUCK! If (when) I leave Oregon, I will not miss this weather. Tell Daney that we miss him and that he really can be sweet if he wants to!

The Littlest Hillbilly says: said...

Hola! I am really looking forward to the pictures of your house. No, I am not even going to try to answer all the questions you asked, smarty pants. I needed a banjo to complete me. HA! Totally joking there. I have always wanted to learn to play the banjo...just an obsession I have. We do get the Dane questions quite often. Dane is such a sweet little boy. He only acts that way because you are the mom. Well, that, and you live in the same house. There are buttons that are bound to get pushed. Document it well and then share it with all his future dates, etc. Take lots of naked pictures...that's a good payback.

Saying Goodbye To Grandma

Saying Goodbye To Grandma

The Sorensen kids at Register Rock Idaho