Sunday, March 9, 2008

Motherhood Is Not For Wimps!

March 9, 2008

When we found out we were moving to Tennesse and I decided to drive cross country by myself with the kids, it was mostly to see our family in Idaho, Utah and Wyoming. It has since grown into my own personal pledge to give my seven year-old son, Kale, a real reason to hate me. When I said goodbye to my friend Cia this week she said, "Why don't you just rent a car and drive to Utah and then fly to Tennessee?" The idea did not occur to me until just that moment:)

So the tribe made it to Boise with a record low 2 potty breaks. I probably should have done more. 2.5 hours in to the trip Dane says, "I'm Wet"! Of course me being ever efficient tell him to wait until Pendleton and then I will change him when we stop for lunch. Too late. Dane's understatement, "I'm wet" should have been, "Mom please pull over because I have completely soaked my diaper, jeans and car seat." Of course no day is complete without Dane locking me out of something. This time it was the bathroom in Hermiston, Oregon.

My dad and Sandy fed us dinner and ice cream cones and took us for a walk around the block. The kids will really miss our yearly visits at Thanksgiving.


FitMom said...

Tam, this is great! You ARE a writer! Hilarious :) I am so sad I didn't get to see you before you left. I hope you got my message. I will look forward to reading this every morning. Let's definetely keep in touch! Miss ya!-- Selena

The Kersten Family said...

Yeah! You got the blog up and wasn't so hard. Can't wait to hear all about the adventures you have over the next few days. Be safe and call if you need anything at all!
Miss ya already!

Sharisa Lewis said...

You are a brave woman. I am excited to read about the adventures. Glad you are blogging them. Can you stop in Dallas? We have plenty of pottys! - Sharisa

Cindy said...

Hi Tamera,
I'm glad you guys are doing good. How long are you in Idaho? I can't wait to hear about all the fun stops you make along to the way.
Sharisa is right, you are a brave woman!

Jenn said...

welcome to the world of blogging. loved your post. can't wait to see pictures of the pressure though! all the best with your new life in Tennessee!

Kristen said...

How do you get more comments then I ever get on your first post. No Fair, but true to life. You are a well loved person of course people would want to know whats going on in your life. Thanks for sharing with me. Good luck on the drive.

Saying Goodbye To Grandma

Saying Goodbye To Grandma

The Sorensen kids at Register Rock Idaho